AdBlock Pro is an ad blocking browser plug-in for content-blocking and filtering. It is developed by Wladimir Palant's Eyeweb GmbH, a Berlin-based software company. The plugin was initially released for Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer. After more users discovered its effectiveness, it was later released to browsers such as Google Chrome and Google Play, as well as Opera. The AdBlock Plus browser add-on has also been installed on a number of mobile devices like Blackberry and Symbian OS. The software works on the user's current browser, but also allows for customizing your settings with the click of a button. It also works on all major operating systems and provides more than 100 million downloads per month.
One of the most important things to know about the AdBlock Pro program is how the add-on works. It operates in two modes: "Adblock Plus Safe Mode"Adblock Plus Normal Mode". In Safe Mode, there are no advertisements to block. In Normal Mode, however, the browser will display ads in the sidebars. You can control what kind of ads show up by browsing through the options menu to change the list of websites that will be displayed. When surfing in Normal Mode, the browser will still track the amount of time the user spends on each site, so you can keep track of which sites are the most popular. By installing the correct version, you can make sure that the best web content filtering is achieved without sacrificing any comfort or convenience.